云上岭南 | 广东肇庆砚洲岛:西江绿洲,砚渚清风

发布时间:2023-12-06 15:24

【大美广东】Yanzhou Island, Zhaoqing, Guangdong: Feel the charm of the breeze and oasis

广东肇庆砚洲岛:西江绿洲 砚渚清风

The continuous cascading Dinghu Mountain has formed an intoxicating landscape. The Xijiang River flowing leisurely is dotted with towns on both sides, while the highway crosses the middle and an emerald island can be seen in the middle of the river. Walk into Yanzhou Island in Zhaoqing City and feel the natural beauty of the breeze blowing through the oasis and the river flowing with its mighty water in the legendary place where Bao Gong threw the inkstone. The island boasts thousand-year-old alleys, hundred-year-old houses, mulberry fish ponds, and a big banyan tree. #SplendidLingnan #Guangdong


