云上岭南 | 参加“读懂中国”国际会议,外国朋友读懂了什么?

发布时间:2023-12-05 16:49

【大美广东】What did foreign friends understand in the 2023 Understanding China Conference?


Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders| On the afternoon of December 3, the 2023 Understanding China Conference was concluded on a high note. More than 600 politicians, strategists, scholars, and entrepreneurs from China and abroad, including 63 international guests from over 30 countries and regions, attended the conference.

From December 1 to 3, more than 20 parallel forums, symposiums, closed sessions, and a series of supporting activities were held in Guangzhou.  Guests shared opinions freely and conducted in-depth dialogues so that the world could better understand China.  Outside the conference, guests felt the charm of Lingnan culture through Citywalk in Guangzhou. What did foreign friends understand in the 2023 Understanding China Conference? What do they expect from China's development? Click on the video to hear their views! #SplendidLingnan



